  • Romania the least visited country in Europe !

    Romania may not be as well-known in North America as the Western  European countries, but that doesn't mean it is an insignificant part of the world. Here are some facts of significance you might not have known about or have associated with Romania.

    Things i bet you didn't know about Romania

    1. Romania has one of the happiest cemeteries on Earth

    2. Romanian inventors have changed the world

    3. Romanian is the only Romance language in Eastern Europe

    4. Romania has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

    5. Romania is Europe’s richest country in gold resources

    6. Romania boasts the world’s largest administrative building

    7. Romania’s national currency is Leu, which means lion (English)

    8. Romania has the best preserved Delta in Europe

    9. The largest population of brown bears in Europe lives in Romania

    10. The Statue of Decebalus in Orsova is Europe’s largest rock sculpture

    Points of tourists interest

    1. Bran Castle
    2. Salina Turda
    3. Corvin Castle
    4. Voronet Monastery
    5. Peles Castle
    6.Merry Cementry
    7. Iron Gates
    8. Palace of Parliament

    9. Brukenthal National Museum
    10. Balea Lake

    Romania may not be as well-known as other European countries, but that doesn’t mean it’s an insignificant part of the world. The country is culturally rich and holds historical significance that most people are unaware of.

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