  • Bizarre facts about South Korea - The Land of Morning Calm

    Korea, "Land of the Morning Calm," is a land of opposites existing in conjunction with each other. It combines ancient Oriental tradition with modern technology. In downtown Seoul, one can find traces of its 5,000 year history in its palaces, city gates, and temples, yet the country is also a rapidly developing nation in terms of industry, trade, and commerce.

    Things which are illegal in South Korea

    1. Tattooing

    2. Smoking in Public

    3. Dog Meat

    4. Lobbying

    5. Sheer Tops (indecent Exposure)

    6. Street Vendors

    7. Gambling (casinos)

    8. Online Gaming

    9. Pornography

    10. Late Night Teaching

    Strange facts about South Korea

    1. There are only three channels on TV and you have to watch only those

    2. The ‘three generations of punishment’ rule will give you a nightmare

    3. All men and women should only cut their hair according to 28 government approved hairstyles!

    4. The country has its own basketball rules

    5. You need an approval from the government to live in the capital

    6. Parents who send their kids to schools are expected to provide desks, chairs, building materials

    7. Owning a bible is illegal in North Korea

    8. Apple Inc., Sony, and Microsoft are not allowed to distribute their products to North Korea

    9. You cannot smuggle in western literature about North Korea

    Tourists attraction points in South Korea

    1. Everland
    2. Lotte World
    3. Namsan
    4. Bulguksa
    5. Seoul Grand Park

    Same-sex touching is common among men and women and their friends in South Korea. South Korean boys and men practice a thing called no homo (skinship) where they cultivate a bond by touching each other, usually with platonic gestures such as handshakes. Getting touchy-feely can also extend to teachers and students as long as they are the same sex.

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