  • Interesting Facts about Japan !

    Few nations on Earth have had a more colorful history than Japan.
    Settled by migrants from the Asian mainland back in the mists of prehistory, Japan has seen the rise and fall of emperors, rule by samurai warriors, isolation from the outside world, expansion over most of Asia, defeat and rebound. One of the most war-like of nations in the early twentieth century, today Japan often serves as a voice of pacifism and restraint on the international stage.

    Japan is a fascinating country of economic and business prowess, rich culture, technical wizardry, spatial conundrums and contradictions. Japan held onto the title of the world’s second largest economy for more than 40 years from 1968 to 2010.Tokyo, Japan’s capital city, is the world’s largest metropolitan area, with a population of 32.5 million people. Despite having an area slightly bigger than Germany and smaller than California, Japan is the world’s tenth largest country by population, with 127.3 million people.

    Interesting Facts About Japan

    1. In Japanese, the name “Japan” is Nihon or Nippon, which means “Land of the Rising Sun.” It was once believed that Japan was the first country to see the sun rise in the East in the morning.

  • 2. Japan has the third longest life expectancy in the world with men living to 81 years old and women living to almost 88 years old. The Japanese live on average four years longer than Americans.
  • 3. In the past, the Japanese court system has had a conviction rate as high as 99%!
  • 4. 21% of the Japanese population is elderly, the highest proportion in the world.
  • 5. Animated Japanese films and television shows (.i.e.: Anime) account for 60% of the world’s animation-based entertainment. So successful is animation in Japan, that there are almost 130 voice-acting schools in the country.

6. Japan has just 2 gun-related homicides per year on average. Japan feels very safe in general. They say you could leave your wallet on the floor of the busiest metro station and come back an hour later to still find it there, untouched. I didn’t test that though…

  • 7. Japanese trains are among the world’s most punctual: their average delay is just 18 seconds!
  • 8. In Japan, snowmen are made of two large snowballs, not three.
  • 9. Japan is nicknamed the “Land of the Rising Sun”.
  • 10. Japan’s birth rate is so low that adult diapers are sold more than baby diapers.

    At first glance you might see Japan as just a modern, Westernized country with large, crowded cities and an awful lot of people in business suits… But this country gets a lot stranger than that!
    Japan is truly unique and if you want to experience something different I’d recommend spending at least three to four weeks traveling through Japan, talking to local people as much as you can (the Japanese are very friendly and often speak good English) and really experience the Japanese culture to its fullest.

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