  • The Gorgeous Ukraine and its Interesting Facts !

    Russia excluded, Ukraine is the continent’s largest county at 603,628 square kilometers, stretching from Russia in the east to Poland in the west, and sandwiched between the Black Sea in the south and fellow former Soviet state Belarus in the north. France is next at 551,695 square kilometers.

    Within its large borders, Ukraine has seven world heritage sites, including the 11th century Saint-Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the ancient city of Chersonesus, and the primeval beech forests of the Carpathians. Another is the Struve Geodetic Arc, a chain of survey triangulation's linking Hammer fest in Norway to the Black Sea in Ukraine. It “helped to establish the exact size and shape of the planet and marked an important step in the development of earth sciences and topographic mapping,” according to UNESCO. 

    Interesting Facts About Ukraine

    1. The area of Ukraine is the largest of any country entirely in Europe. 

    2. George Gershwin’s song Summertime was inspired by an old Ukrainian lullaby. 
    3. The deepest underground railway station in the world is in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.
    4. Ukraine won two gold medals in Rio: men’s parallel bars gymnastics and men's 200m canoe sprint.
    5. Wedding rings are traditionally worn on the ring finger of the right hand in Ukraine. 

    6. An average adult Ukrainian drinks 27.5 pints of alcohol a year. Only Moldovans, Russians, Czechs and Hungarians drink more. 
    7. Ukraine’s national dish, a delicacy known as salo, is made of cured pork fat. Chocolate-covered pork fat was introduced in 2006. 
    8. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of their independence five years ago, the Ukrainians filled a Champagne flute containing 75 bottles
    9. There are 33 letters in the Ukrainian alphabet. 
    10. “Your head is not only for putting a hat on.” (Ukrainian proverb).

    Ukrainians celebrate a number of holidays, namely Christmas,Easter, Whitsuntide, New Years and Ivana Kupala (St John's Eve). They also hold a festival every autumn to celebrate the end of the harvest. While some of these festivals are celebrated world wide, Ukrainians have their very own way of observing them. Ukrainian culture is very interesting and there is so much to say on the matter that it cannot be discussed fully here. The best way to find out more is to visit the country and learn from the locals.

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